Oct 25 Online National Workshop ‘Standard Kualiti Prasekolah Kebangsaan (SKPK) 2.0′

Online National Workshop ‘Standard Kualiti Prasekolah Kebangsaan (SKPK) 2.0′

SIBU, 25/10/2021- Methodist Pilley Institute (MPI), Sarawak 3rd, 6th, 7th Division Kindergarten Association, and ECCE Council had successfully hosted an online national workshop ‘Standard Kualiti Prasekolah Kebangsaan (SKPK) 2.0 on 23 Oct 2021. The workshop had drawn a total of 275 early childhood educators from all over Malaysia to participate and interact with our experienced speaker, Mr Cheah Eng Khoon, treasurer of ECCE council Malaysia, CEO & Managing Director of Talento Academy, Kuala Lumpur.

SKPK is a self-assessment tool designed to measure the quality of pre-schools in Malaysia.
The five domains of SKPS are :-
1)Quality of Teachers/ Teacher Assistants
2)Quality Preschool administration and management
3)Quality in implementing National Preschool Curriculum Standard
4)Quality of Interaction among parents/ guardian and community involvement
5)Quality in Safety, Health and Nutrition

Mr Cheah shared that kindergarten fulfilling the dimension is NOT to prove BUT to Improve!
Head of Department of MPI Early Childhood Education (ECE) Department, Ms Doreen Ting, also shared on that currently, our ECE diploma and Bachelor’s Degree programmes are now conducted in blended learning mode, with a blend of online and face to face which are conducted during the kindergarten holidays, this enables the outstation teachers to enrol for courses to upgrade themselves.

For more information about our ECE Diploma and Bachelor of ECE (Honours) please visit our website www.pilley.edu.my or call (084) 322268.


诗巫,2021年10月25日-诗巫毕理学院(MPI)、诗巫、泗里街、加帛省幼稚园教师公会以及马来西亚幼儿教育理事会(ECCE council)于2021年10月23日圆满举办了马来西亚幼儿园素质评鉴(SKPK)2.0线上训练会。 本训练会吸引了来自马来西亚各地275名幼儿教育工作者参加。我们荣幸邀请了在幼儿教领域经验丰富的特约讲者,才能幼儿园的执行长谢永坤先生来给予训练。谢先生表示:幼儿教育是国家教育的基础,若幼儿园的教育做好将会为国家带来改变。因此,幼儿园的素质及持续性发展很关键。

何谓SKPK? SKPK是一个自我评鉴的工具,旨在衡量马来西亚学前幼儿教育的质量。它使我们的学前幼儿教育机构得以了解幼儿教育素质的各个领域,并有效地使用该工具来评鉴和改进幼儿园目前的步伐。

在训练会期间,毕理学院幼儿教育(ECE)系主任Doreen Ting讲师分享:目前,毕理学院幼儿教育系文凭及学士学位课程是以混合学习模式(Blended learning)进行的,融合了在线和实体面对面的教学模式。因此,其他时段将以线上教学模式而在幼儿园假期期间进行实体的教学课程,这使得外地教师得以持续进修,提升自己的幼儿教育专业领域。

关于毕理学院幼儿教育文凭及幼儿教育学士(荣誉)学位更多详情,得以浏览官方网站www.pilley.edu.my 或致电(084)322268。