Whether you are an experienced carer or new to the role, or public who are interested in healthcare training, this short course of the geriatric care introduces you to the theoretical and practical perspectives relating to ageing and illness. Best of all, it covers most of the basic knowledge required to look after the elderly.

Programme Highlights

Lecture and practicum

  • Basic vital signs
  • Nutrition in elderly
  • Manage & understand on illness & diseases
  • Activities for elderly
  • Cleanliness, personal hygiene, comfort


Intake Please check the dates with us
Mode of Study Full Time
Duration of Study 5 Weeks
Medium of Instruction Mandarin / Bahasa Malaysia
Assessments Attachments, Written and Practical Examination
Tuition Fee RM 1,500

This short course is approved by Ministry of Education (MoE) Malaysia. No particular entry requirement is needed to enrol this short course.

Week 1

  • 老人护理简介
    Introduction to Elderly Care
  • 基本生理需要
    Basic Body Needs
  • 身体结构与功能
    Body Anatomy
  • 基本生命征象
    Vital Signs
  • 实用生命体征
    Practical Session for Vital Signs
  • 认识与预防传染病 +感染控制
    Infectious Diseases
  • 疾病微兆之认识与处理
    Ageing and Illness
  • 了解日常工作和处理挑战
    Understanding the Daily Routine and Dealing with Challenges

Week 2

  • 摔倒风险和预防
    Fall Risk and Prevention
  • 提供长者安全的环境
    Providing a Senior-Friendly Environment
  • 移动和转位
    Mobility and Transfer + Practical 1,2
  • 实用转移技巧
    Practical on Transfer Skills
  • 活动与运动
    Activities and Exercises for Elderly
  • 实习 1
    Practical 1
  • 活动与运动
    Activity and Exercises
  • 实习 2
    Practical 2

Week 3

  • 何谓褥疮及褥疮预防
    Introduction to Bed Sore and Prevention
  • 褥疮敷料及管理
    Bed Sore Dressing and Management
  • 实用敷料及防褥疮技术
    Practical on Dressing and Bed Sore Prevention Techniques
  • 营养与膳食
    Nutritional Fundamentals
  • 清洁与舒适
    Personal Hygiene + Practical 1
  • 个人卫生实践2
    Practical on Personal Hygiene 2
  • 如厕
  • 实用如厕
    Practical on Toileting
  • 预防问题:用药和脱水
    Preventing Problems: Medication and Dehydration

Week 4

  • 何谓老人痴呆症
    Introduction to Delirium, Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease
  • 认识刺激活动
    Cognitive Stimulation Activities
  • 人际关系与沟通技巧
  • 家庭照顾需要与协助
    Family Members
  • 意外灾害的紧急处理
    Accidents & Emergency
  • 人工呼吸
    CPR Training
  • 临终关怀及认识安宁照顾
    Hospice Care
  • 照顾服务相关法律认识
  • 照顾服务资源简介

Week 5

  • 临床实习
  • 笔试和演示
    Written and Practical Examination