Event – Early Childhood Learning Development Conference 2022

Dear Teachers/Parents/ECCE Professionals,

It gives me great pleasure to invite you to join the 2022 Early Childhood Learning and Development Conference in Sibu, Sarawak, 25 & 26 November 2022. The theme for the conference is “Every Child Matters! A Better Future for Every Child!

Children are everything to you and me. They are our hopes, our ambitions and our future. The centrality focus of this Conference is the well-being of children, regardless of the child’s individual circumstances or background, he/she should have plenty of support throughout the development of their early years. The goal of this Conference is to inspire those that support the work for children, families and the early childhood professionals. The conference also provides a platform of discussion on pertinent issues and sharing of new insights in early childhood care and education (ECCE) industry. The programme includes sharing by outstanding and dedicated early childhood professionals from different parts of Malaysia.

Register here !



“每个孩子都很重要”孩子对社会来说就是一切:孩子是我们的未来、远大的志向和希望。抱着这一份心志是因在乎孩童的福祉,无论孩童的个人情况或背景如何,都应在早期经历整全发展及充分支持的历程。此研讨会的核心目的是为激励持续对儿童、家庭有负担及其专业领域工作者。透过此研讨会提供一个探讨和分享幼儿保育及教育ECCE)相关议题的平台。 其中包含了杰出和敬业的幼儿专业人士的分享。
