Dec 17 MPI here will offer the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) 1, beginning next year

MPI here will offer the Malaysian University English Test (MUET) 1, beginning next year.

According to its press statement yesterday. MUET 1 is a three-semester course with examinations conducted three times a year. The first semester runs for three weeks, starting Jan 11, 2022 The second semester is for six weeks, starting May 18, and the final semester is for 13 weeks, starting July 26.

“Since 2021, MUET 1 has been aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) which is an international reference tool to measure the different stages of language learner.”

“There are four different skills, namely listening, speaking reading and writing where the language learner will know his or her level of proficiency based upon an aggregated score range of 1 to 360.”

“The scores correlate with a banding system ranging from Band 1 to Band 5+. Obtaining a Band 3 and above is a must as an exit requirement before a diploma student graduates from MPI” it said.

The fee is RM450 excluding application fee of RM50, registration fee (RM50). miscellaneous fee (RM170), and library fee (RM80).

The lecturers are Dorothy Ting Siao Wei, who holds a Master of Education (Education Administration) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Bachelor Education (TESL) from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), and Helen Lim Siok Kee a pioneer lecturer of MPI since 1991.

畢理學院明年1月起 開辦MUET1預備課程

自2021年以来,马来西亚大学英文水平鉴定考试1,已与欧洲语言共同参考框架 (CEFR)保持一致,欧洲语言共同参考框架是衡量语言学习者在不同阶段的国际参考工具。

在该课程中,将有4种不同的技能,如聆听、会话、阅读及写作,学员将根据1至360的总分范围,了解他或她的熟练程度。分数与范围从Band 1至Band 5+的分级系统相关。需要注意的是,毕理学院文凭课程学生的毕业要求,是获得Band 3及以上成绩。

该课程将有2位讲师负责,分别是陈晓薇及林雪琦,陈晓薇于2019 年考获马来西亚国立大学教育硕士(主修教育管理)及2013年马来西亚博特拉大学的教育学士,主修英文作为第二教学语文课程,而林雪琦自1991年以来,在毕理学院担任英语课程资深讲师。她毕业于纽西兰坎特伯雷大学,并考获马来亚大学教育文凭。


第二次则是于2022年1月15日,每星期六上午8时至中午12时,也是为期13 周。

第三次则是于2022年5月18日,每星期二及星期四下午1时15分至3时15分,为期6 周,以及第四次为2022年7月26日,每星期二及星期四,下午1时15分至3时15,为期13 周。
