May 12 “International Business” & “Financial Market” Online Seminars and “Business Model and Business Plan” Workshop

National University of Tainan and Methodist Pilley Institute
“International Business” & “Financial Market” Online Seminars and “Business Model and Business Plan” Workshop

National University of Tainan (NUTN) and Methodist Pilley Institute(MPI) will jointly organize the online seminars on “International Trade” and “Financial Markets”, and an online workshop on “Business Plan”. The target audience of events are students of independent Chinese secondary schools taking the subject of Business Studies. The students will have a better understanding of the importance of international business and financial markets and their roles in the business field. Besides, they can apply business knowledge to develop business plans.

Professor Hu Jia-Sheng, Dean for International Affairs of NUTN said that the university is privileged to joint organize the events with MPI, and would like to express appreciation to the Ministry of Education of Sarawak and the Ministry of Education Sabah for approving and supporting this event. The professors who will conduct the seminars and workshop are all specialized in a particular field of academics. He believes that the students are going all out to participate in the business plan competition. The advice and comments given by the professors to students will be very helpful for students to write business plans in the future. The purpose of events is to instill interest of learning Business Studies among high school students and help them prepare for UEC examination, moreover, to encourage students to pursue a career in the business field after graduation.

The “Business Model and Business Plan” workshop will be held on June 26, from 1:30pm to 3pm. The speaker is Professor Hsiao Yung-Chang. Professor Hsiao has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from National Sun Yat-sen University, a master’s degree in Science and Technology Management Institute of National Tsing Tua University, and a Ph.D. in Business Management (Science and Technology Innovation Group) of National Cheng Kung University Business Management Department. Currently he is the full-time professor of the department of Business and Management of NUTN and the Deputy Executive Director of the EMBA of the university. His academic expertise is technology management and strategy management. Professor Hsiao’s “Business Model and Business Plan” workshop will introduce business model environmental analysis, consumer analysis, sweet spot analysis, business plan writing principles and formats, and business plan writing steps and processes as a workshop content. The purpose of writing a business plan is to find partners or attract relevant funding. The content of the plan must reflect the true value of the project, so that investors and partners can understand the content of the project more quickly. The content of the business plan should reflect how the operator creates his own competitive advantage, how to stand out in the market, and how to develop and expand. By writing a business plan, the operator can better understand the overall situation of the project and the type of business. It also allows investors to judge the profitability of the project. Therefore, the business plan should be complete in content, market-oriented, clear in structure, and supported by objective data. In 1996, Peter Drucker, Father of Management Thinking said: “This is the era of the knowledge economy.” In 2002, John Hawkins, a leading strategist in creativity and innovation said: “Creative economy: good ideas become good business.” Therefore, creativity has become the main axis in the era of knowledge economy. Nowadays, the world is promoting culture, creativity and environmental protection related issues. How to make products unique and attract consumers’ attention to products has become the most important thing now.

The “International Business” seminar will be held on June 26, from 9am to 10am in the morning. The Speaker is Professor Lin Jheng-You. Professor Lin is a Ph.D. from the Institute of International Business Studies, National Taiwan University. He is currently a full-time assistant professor in the Department of Administration and Management of NUTN and the leader of the service group of the Development Department of the university. His expertise is in service industry marketing, customer relationship management, brand management, Online community. Professor Lin’s “International Business” seminar will focus on the definition, importance and related topics of international Business. With the progress of modern transportation, the distance between countries is no longer far away, and the concepts and operations of multinational enterprises and globalization have developed rapidly. International Business is to strengthen economic ties between countries, promote economic development, and improve production efficiency. Due to the different legal provisions and social cultural customs and habits between countries, international trade issues are more complicated. The development of international trade has brought fundamental changes to international politics, economy and culture.

The “Financial Markets” seminar will be held on June 26, from 10 am to 11 am, and the speaker is Mr Timothy Ting Lik Wei. Mr. Timothy Ting is a professional accountant from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and a master’s degree holder in financial investment from the London School of Business and Finance. He is currently the product manager of the “Financial Investment Training Camp” of the Malaysian Value Thinking School and the teacher of the “Investment Thinking Training Camp” teaching class, and an advisor of unit trusts investment. He specializes in stocks and fund investment, helping more people to do a good job in financial investment and accumulate assets through correct asset allocation. Mr. Timothy Ting’s “Financial Market” seminar will explain the subject of financial market in the simplest and understandable way to give students a different perspective of Financial Market.

All students of independent Chinese secondary schools are welcome to sign up for seminars and workshops. For more information, or contact the person in charge of the event, Mr. Bobo Wong (0138110323). Or scan the QR code for more information.


台灣國立台南大學與衛理畢理學院聯合舉辦《國際貿易》、《金融市場》線上講座,及《商業計畫書》線上工作坊。講座和工作坊的對像是獨中高三商業學的學生,根據華文獨立中學高中的《商業學》的課程大綱, 讓學生對國際貿易和金融市場的重要性及其在商業領域的角色有更深入的認識,並教導中學生應用商業學的知識製作商業計劃書。


《商業模式與商業計畫書》工作坊是在6月26日,下午1點30分到3點,講師是蕭詠璋教授。蕭教授是國立中山大學企業管理學系學士,國立清華大學科技管理研究所碩士,以及國立成功大學企業管理學系科技創新組博士,現任國立台南大學經營與管理學系專任教授以及國立台南大學EMBA副執行長,學術專長是科技管理、策略管理。蕭教授的《商業模式與商業計劃書》工作坊將以商業模式的環境分析、消費者分析、甜蜜點分析、商業計畫書撰寫原則與格式及商業計畫書撰寫步驟與過程做為工作坊內容。撰寫商業計畫書的目的在於尋找合作夥伴或吸引相關資金挹注,計畫書的內容要能夠反應出項目真正的價值,讓投資者與合作夥伴能夠更快的理解項目內容。商業計畫書的內容要能反映出經營者如何創造自己的競爭優勢、如何在市場上脫穎而出以及如何發展與擴張,並透過編寫商業計畫書能夠使經營者更加了解項目的整體情況及業務類型,亦能讓投資者判斷該項目的可盈利性。因此,商業計畫書應該做到內容完整、市場導向、結構清晰、有客觀數據佐證。1996年彼得‧杜拉克說:「這是個知識經濟的年代。」 2002年,約翰霍金斯說:「創意經濟:好點子變成好生意。」所以,創意成了知識經濟時代的主軸。現今全世界都在推行文創及環保相關的議題,要如何使產品與眾不同、吸引消費者對產品的目光成了現在最重要的一件事。


《金融市場》講座是在6月26日,時間是早上10點到11點, 講師是陳力瑋講師。陳老師是英國特許公認會計師公會(ACCA)的專業會計師,也是英國倫敦商業金融學院金融投資系碩士,目前擔任馬來西亞價值思維學堂《理財投資訓練營》產品經理暨《投資思維訓練營》教學班主任,單位信託的顧問。專長是股票以及基金投資,協助更多人通過正確的資產配置來做好理財投資,累積資產。陳老師的《金融市場》講座將會用最簡單易懂的方式讓你了解金融市場,從另外一個角度,讓學生們了解股票市場到底跟我們的日常生活有什麼相關。

歡迎所有獨中高三的學生報名參加講座和工作坊,預知詳情,請聯絡活動負責人黃老師(0138110323), 或扫二维码查询有关活动。