Aug 2 MPI Fosters Social Workers

Diploma in Social Work Programme at Methodist Pilley Institute

The Diploma in Social Work Programme of Methodist Pilley Institute aims to cultivate more professional social workers, so as to help our society more effectively – more social workers with professional knowledge can help families and groups with physical and mental difficulties such as the elderly, disabled people, orphanages, drug rehabilitation centers, stateless children, family problems, etc.

Although the government provides a lot of social care and assistance, many people who need these helps do not know where to seek assistance, how to apply for such assistance, sometimes it is due to the barrier of language communication. These obstacles make it difficult for them to get information correctly and support timely. All these can be well-coordinated through professional social workers.

Although the government provides a lot of social care and assistance, many people who need these helps do not know where to seek assistance, how to apply for such assistance, sometimes it is due to the barrier of language communication. These obstacles make it difficult for them to get information correctly and support timely. All these can be well-coordinated through professional social workers.

Methodist Pilley Institute has experienced lecturers to teach social work courses:

Dr. Ling How Kee, retired associate professor of the Department of Social Work, University of Sarawak. She has 36 years of experience in social work services (including 13 years as a senior welfare officer in the Ministry of Welfare Sarawak). She still has great enthusiasm and continues to serve women, children and special and senior citizens through social work.

Madam Gill Raja, retired lecturer in the Department of Social Work, University of Sarawak, has 35 years of service experience. She was once employed by the Sarawak Social Welfare Commission and is still active in the NGOs. Her service areas include health-related matters, human rights, how to deal with abuse, social policy and service development.

Ms. Chiew Siok Cheng has 20 years of experience in teaching children and young people with learning or IQ impairments. In 1998, the Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference of Methodist Church startted an early intervention programme in Sibu Methodist Care Center. She served as the director of the center. Later, her service work was extended to three other districts, supporting the work of each district as an officer. Currently the secretary of Sarawak Special Olympics.

Ms. Boon Nyuk Phin, Master of Sociology, has served as a research assistant for people with special needs, children, women, the elderly and aboriginal communities for 4 years. Currently serving as the programme coordinator of social work programme at Methodist Pilley Institute.

Mr.Kevin Wong, a bachelor of psychology and a master of counseling, is also a registered counselor of the Malaysian Counseling Association. He has 4 years of counseling experience and focuses on the growth process of young people. He is a member of the Sibu branch of the Sarawak Family Planning Association and a consultant for the Youth Volunteer Group of the Sibu Branch of the Sarawak Family Planning Association.

The Diploma in Social Work also opens to current workers to further study. Classes are scheduled in the evening and weekends. The upcoming August 14th will be the beginning of the new semester. For more information, please call 084-322268.



毕理学院的社工文凭课程,目的在培育更多的专业的社工,从而更有效的幫助我们的社会 – 让更多人有专业知识的社工来帮助社会上有困难的家庭和群体例如老年人、残疾人、孤儿院、戒毒所、无国籍孩子及家庭问题等等。

全人关怀团队创办者黄恩德牧师说: “虽然政府有提供很多社会关怀和协助,但是许多需要这些帮助的人民完全不懂要去那里寻求援助,该如何去申请这些援助,有时是因为语言沟通的障碍,使得他们很难能够正确的得到消息和支援。这些都是可以透过专业社工来协调的。


林孝琦博士, 砂拉越大学社工系的退休副教授。 她拥有36年的社工服务经验(包括在砂拉越福利部担任了13年的资深福利官),直今仍然在妇女、儿童和特殊以及乐龄领域中有极大的热忱且持续服务这些群体。

Gill Raja女士,砂拉越大学社工系的退休讲师,她拥有35年的服务经验。她曾经受雇于砂拉越社会福利委员会,直今仍然活跃于非政府组织部门,她的服务领域包括跟健康相关的事务、人权、如何应对虐待、社会政策和服务发展。

周素贞小姐,具备20年教导学习或智商有障碍的孩童与青年的经验。 1998年,砂州华人卫理公会在诗巫开办早疗服务,即卫理关怀中心,她担任中心主任一职。后来其服务工作括展至三个省份,以干事身份支援各省的工作。 目前为砂州特奥(Special Olympics)文书。


