May 13 Career Talks Online

Career Talks Online

Methodist Pilley Institute will be showcasing a series of talks on Facebook from 13 to 16 May 2020, free for public, given by featured speakers/professors from a few universities, this is a compliment to LIVE Counselling provided by each faculty during virtual Open Day. The contents of the talks are designed to enhance students’ knowledge on their fields of study from business, accounting, finance, marketing, computing, and education – providing a better understanding of these academic majors to the school leavers, thus help them make better choices of field of study.

The talks are contributed by the following institutions:
1. UCSI University (Malaysia)
2. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK)
3. Chang Jung Christian University (Taiwan)
4. National Tainan University (Taiwan)
5. Teesside University (UK)
6. University of Canterbury (New Zealand)

The details as follows:

University Name, title, biodata / credential of the speaker: Introduction of the talk
13 University of Canterbury (New Zealand)

Dr Stuart Wise is the Dean (International) for the College of Education, Health and Humanities at the University of Canterbury.  He has been involved in Teacher Education with a focus on how we work to prepare teachers for the challenges of working with young people in the 21st century.  Dr Stuart Wise has a Master of Education from University of Tasmania and a Doctor of Philosophy from University of Canterbury.  He is also a musician and a member of the professional organisation, International Society for Music Education (ISME).

Topic: How to be a teacher in NZ (one of NZ’s most sought-after profession)

Dr Stuart Wise will talk about why teachers are one of the most sought-after profession in New Zealand and how you can be an early childhood educator.

14 Teesside University (UK)

Dr Diptangshu Pandit (Max) is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Game Design. He focuses teaching mainly the technical side of the games development using Unreal Engine and visual scripting. He has a PhD in applied artificial intelligence for biomedical signal processing. He holds both bachelors and master’s degree in computer science and Engineering. Before joining Teesside, he was teaching at Northumbria University for 2 years in computer and information sciences department. His work is mostly focused on machine learning and evolutionary optimization algorithms and their use in various domains including game development.

Topic: Artificial Intelligence

14 University of Canterbury (New Zealand)

Dr Moffat Mathews is the Dean (International) for the prestigious College of Engineering at University of Canterbury, New Zealand’s premier Engineering College. Mr Moffat has been working in the area of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), Computer Science & Software Engineering for many years.

Topic: Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

Dr Moffat will talk about Computer Science, Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence and how these fields are linked to “Jobs of the Future”.

14 Chang Jung Christian University (Taiwan)

Professor Wang Chun Chia

Dean of School of Information and Design, Director of master’s degree Program, School of Information and Design, Chang Jung Christian University (Taiwan)

Education background: Ph.D., Information Engineering, Tamkang University (Taiwan)

Areas of specialty:
Object-oriented software engineering
Situational awareness action learning
data analysis
Mobile commerce
Object-oriented programming
Eye tracking technology

Topic: Information and Design

1. Information and Design and its applications
2. Future career development

15 UCSI University (Malaysia)

Asst. Prof. Rajat Chaterjee, currently the Head of the Department of Marketing at Faculty of Business and Information Science (FoBIS), joined UCSI University in 2008. Prior to that, he was attached to insurance sector and worked in different capacities from Financial Planning consultant to sales manager and relationship manager. Rajat has a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) qualification. Currently, he is the Head of the department, marketing, at Faculty of Business and Information Science and has been shouldering this responsibility since January 2012.

Topic: Marketing

The talk introduces the current challenges that the industry is facing with reference to the role of marketing. It elaborates on the how such issues can be addressed and how it has metamorphosed the role of marketing professionals.

15 National Tainan University (Tainan)

Asst. Prof. Tseng Fan-Chuan

Education background: Ph.D., Department of Information Management, National Sun Yat-sen University

Expertise: knowledge management, online marketing, information management

Topic: Business and Management

Prof. Tseng will discuss about the training of management professionals to equip them with planning, organization, leadership and control skills in marketing, information, finance, human resources, production and operations, and more in line with the trend of internationalization and informatization to strengthen foreign languages ​​and computers Application ability.

16 Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK)

Topic: ACCA – Pathway to Professional Accountancy

16 UCSI University (Malaysia)

Dr Liew Chee Yoong is the Assistant Professor in Finance at the Department of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Business and Information Science, UCSI University, Malaysia. Dr Liew teaches finance subjects to actuarial science, accounting and finance, financial economics, finance and investment as well as business students.

Topic: Finance and Investment

For the students, parents, and the general public to view the career talks online, please connect to MPI Facebook at @mpi1999 from 13 to 16 May 2020. For further enquiries, please contact Course Counsellor Mr Bobo Wong at 0138110323.


卫理毕理学院将5月13日至16日在其面书Facebook上播放一系列讲座,由多所大学的演讲嘉宾/教授主讲,让大众免费观看。 这是为了让那些在线上开放日来参加课程辅导咨询的学生和家长收集更多有关于商业管理、专业会计、金融、市场营销、计算机科学和教育等领域的资讯,从而使离校生对各学术专业有更好的了解,也帮助他们为升学之路做更明智的决定。

1. UCSI大学 (马来西亚)
2. 特许公认会计师公会 (英国)
3.长荣大学 (台湾)
4.国立台南大学 (台湾)
5.提赛德大学 (英国)
6.坎特伯雷大学 (纽西兰)


大学/机构 演讲者的姓名、职称、学术和专业背景 讲座简介
13 坎特伯雷大学 (纽西兰)
University of Canterbury (New Zealand)

Stuart Wise 博士是坎特伯雷大学的教育,健康与人文学院的院长。他一直从事培训教师的工作,专注于如何充分装备教师,以应对在21世纪与年轻人沟通所面对的挑战。 Stuart Wise博士拥有塔斯马尼亚大学的教育学硕士学位和坎特伯雷大学的哲学博士学位。他还是国际音乐教育学会(ISME)的音乐家和成员。

题目: 如何成为纽西兰的老师(纽西兰最受欢迎的职业之一)

Stuart Wise博士将讨论为什么教师是纽西兰最受欢迎的职业之一,以及如何成为一名幼儿教育老师。

14 提赛德大学 (英国)
Teesside University (UK)

Diptangshu Pandit 博士(Max)是计算机游戏设计的高级讲师。他专注于教授《如何使用虚幻引擎和可视脚本进行游戏开发》的技术方面的知识。他拥有生物医学信号处理应用人工智能博士学位。他拥有计算机科学和工程学学士学位和硕士学位。他的工作主要集中在机器学习和进化优化算法及其在游戏开发等各个领域的使用。


14 坎特伯雷大学 (纽西兰)
University of Canterbury (New Zealand)

Moffat Mathews 博士是纽西兰坎特伯雷大学的著名工程学院的院长。 Moffat博士在人工智能教育(AIED)、计算机科学与软件工程领域从事了多年的研究。


Moffat博士计将讨论计算机科学、软件工程和人工智能以及这些领域如何与 “未来的工作” 相关联。

14 长荣大学 (台湾)
Chang Jung Christian University (Taiwan)

王俊嘉 教授兼院長

長榮大學 資訊暨設計學院 院長
長榮大學 資訊暨設計學院碩士學位學程 主任

學歷:淡江大學 資訊工程所 博士


题目: 資訊暨設計课程

1. 資訊暨設計課程介紹及其應用
2. 未來職涯發展

15 UCSI大学 (马来西亚)
UCSI University (Malaysia)

Rajat Chaterjee 教授目前是商业和信息科学学院(FoBIS)市场营销系主任,他于2008年加入UCSI大学。在此之前,从金融计划顾问到金融服务,他一直担任不同职务,如销售经理和客户关系经理。Rajat拥有工商管理学士(BBA)和工商管理硕士学位(MBA)的资格。



15 台南大学 (台湾)
National Tainan University (Tainan)

曾繁绢 副教授




题目: 经营与管理的专业学习及就业发展


16 特许公认会计师公会会 (英国)
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK)

题目: ACCA – 通往专业会计师之路

16 UCSI 大学(马来西亚)
UCSI University (Malaysia)

Liew Chee Yoong 博士是马来西亚UCSI大学商业与信息科学学院会计与金融系的金融学助理教授。Liew博士主要教授金融课程,包括精算科学,会计和金融,金融经济学,金融和投资以及商科学生。


欢迎学生、家长和社会大众登入免费观看讲座线上播放,请在5月13日至16日通过@ mpi1999连接到毕理学院的面书(MPI Facebook)。如有更多查询,请致电0138110323与课程辅导黄中吉先生联系。