Apr 28 New Intake Dates

Methodist Pilley Institute (MPI)
Intakes 2020

For secondary and high school graduates and their parents who would like to enquire about the courses offered by MPI , please visit our website at www.pilley.edu.my for more information.

In view of this current situation, MPI has postponed May Intake from 15 May, 2020 to 9 June 2020; whereas the intake of 24 July to be postponed until 14 August. Details are as follows:

Course Original Date Of Intake Rescheduled Date
Diploma courses, ACCA qualification, CAT qualification 15 MAY 9 JUN (Orientation)
24 JUL 14 AUG (Orientation)
BA(Hons) in Accounting
BA(Hons) in Marketing
BA(Hons) in Finance & Investment
4 MAY (Online Orientation)
(Remain Unchanged)
7 SEP (Orientation)
(Remain Unchanged)
Bachelor of Early Childhood education (Hons) 24 AUG (Orientation)
(Remain Unchanged)

BA (Hons) degree programmes will begin their new semester on 4 May with online orientation, students who have already enrolled are advised to pay close attention to the latest news from MPI’s official website and Facebook.

MPI will continue to monitor the development of the situation and will take necessary measures to ensure the health and safety of the students and staff. For more information, please contact Mr. Bobo Wong (0138110323) for course counselling.

▲ Please visit our official website at www.pilley.edu.my for more information on courses


为了给中学毕业生及家长提供升学咨询和辅导,卫理毕理学院在官网 www.pilley.edu.my 发布各项关系学院的资讯。 打算报读毕理学院的学生受促浏览以上官网以进行报名程序。


课程类别 原定日期 展延后的日期
文凭课程, ACCA资格证书, CAT资格证书 5月15日 6月9日 (迎新)
7月24日 8月14日 (迎新)
9月7日 (迎新)
幼儿教育荣誉学士学位 8月24日 (迎新)

另外,定于5月4日的荣誉学士学位课程的开课日将以线上迎新的方式开始新学期,敬请已经报名的学生关注毕理学院在官网、脸书发出的最新消息。 毕理学院将持续关注局势演变,并将采取措施,尽力保障学生和教职员的健康。 欲知更详细的情况,请直接联络课程辅导黄中吉先生(0138110323)。

▲ 浏览卫理毕理学院的官网 www.pilley.edu.my 以获得更多课程资讯。