May 04 Virtual Open Day

Methodist Pilley Institute (MPI)
Virtual Open Day

Methodist Pilley Institute will hold the virtual open day from 9 am to 3pm from May 13 to 16, 2020 (Wednesday to Saturday). The main purpose of the virtual Open Day is to provide SPM, STPM, UEC graduates LIVE course counselling and career guidance, and to allow students and parents to ask any questions about the courses, class schedule, tuition fees, accommodation and so on. The daily LIVE counselling hours are as follows:

13 May Early Childhood Education Programme LIVE Counselling
Social Work LIVE Counselling
14 May Computer Science Programme LIVE Counselling
15 May Business Management Programme LIVE Counselling
Marketing Programme LIVE Counselling
16 May Accounting Programme LIVE Counselling
Taxation Programme LIVE Counselling
Finance & Investment Programme LIVE Counselling

In addition, students who apply for Diploma, CAT, ACCA programmes during the open day from 13 to 16 May will receive a 10% discount on the tuition fee for the first semester (new intake on 9 June); students who enroll for degree programmes will get a 5% discount on the tuition fee for the first semester (new intake on 7 September).

All secondary school students, high school graduates, parents and the public are welcome to join the virtual open day of Methodist Pilley Institute. For those who want to participate in LIVE course counselling, please register with us in advance – by scanning the QR code below or log in to the official website at to contact us. They can also dial 0138110323 to reach the course counselor Mr. Bobo Wong directly or email any enquiries to

▲ The first ever MPI Virtual Open Day


卫理毕理学院将在2020年5月13日至16日(星期三至星期六),上午9点到下午3点举办线上开放日。 开放日的主要目的是提供SPM、STPM、UEC毕业生线上升学就业辅导,让学生及家长询问任何关于课程、上课时间表、学费、住宿等等问题。 每日课程辅导时间如下:

5月13日 幼儿教育课程线上辅导
5月14日 电脑课程课程线上辅导
5月15日 商业管理课程线上辅导
5月16日 会计课程线上辅导


欢迎各中学生,中学毕业生、父母家长和社会大众登入卫理毕理学院线上开放日。 凡是要参加线上课程辅导者,请事先向我们登记 – 通过扫以下二维码,或登入官网 ( 联系我们。也可以直接拨电给课程辅导黄中吉先生(0138110323)或发询问电邮至。

▲ 卫理毕理学院第一次线上开放日