Jan 13 Social Work Short Courses

Social Work Short Courses

Methodist Pilley Institute will offer three short-term social work courses from January 15 to April 30, for 14 weeks, to provide a learning opportunity for anyone who wants to learn basic social work knowledge and skills in a short period of time. These courses will be conducted in the form of online learning. The language of delivery is English and Malay. There is no requirement for admission. A student can choose one or up to three courses at the same time. The following is the detailed content of the three courses:

Social Work Methods I – Casework allows students to learn the theory and practice of casework, skills in intervention, undertaking risk assessments, undertaking case planning, undertaking case management plans, and skills in casework. The class is scheduled on Wednesday (10 am – 12 noon) & Saturday (2-4pm). The course fee is RM680. The course will be conducted by Dr. Ling How Kee, who is retired associate professor of the Department of Social Work, University of Sarawak. She has 36 years of experience in social work services (including 13 years as a senior welfare officer in the Ministry of Welfare Sarawak). She still has great enthusiasm and continues to serve women, children, and special and senior citizens through social work.

Organizational Context of Social Work will examine the role of social workers within human service organizations and how social workers undertake their roles. Students learn about managing staff diversity, promoting a productive work environment and professional growth, managing staff problems, and working in teams. The class is scheduled on Tuesday & Thursday (1.30-3.00pm). The course fee is RM510. The course will be conducted by Madam Gill Raja, a retired lecturer in the Department of Social Work, University of Sarawak, who has 35 years of service experience. She was once employed by the Sarawak Social Welfare Commission and is still active in the NGOs. Her service areas include health-related matters, human rights, how to deal with abuse, social policy, and service development.

Interpersonal and Counselling Skills introduces students to the theory and the practice of interpersonal skills and counseling as a strategy of intervention in working with clients. The class schedule is on Saturday (9 am-12noon). The course fee is RM510. The course will be conducted by Ms. Boon Nyuk Phin, Master of Social Sciences (Social Work), who has served as a research assistant for people with special needs, children, women, the elderly, and aboriginal communities for 4 years. Currently serving as the programme coordinator of the social work programme at Methodist Pilley Institute.

UEC, SPM, STPM School-leavers are encouraged to enroll the courses. For more information, please send a message or contact us at HP:01155568806.

▲ Dr. Ling How Kee, Madam Gill Raja, Ms. Boon Nyuk Phin


卫理毕理学院将在1月15日起至4月30日开办三个社工短期课程,为期14个星期,为任何想要在短期内学习基本的社工知识和技巧的社会大众提供学习的机会。 课程将以线上学习的方式进行,教学媒介语是英语和国语,无入学资格的要求,有兴趣者可以任选一个或最多三个课程同时修读。以下是三个课程的详细内容:

《社会工作方法一 个案工作》课程包括学习个案例工作的理论和实践、援助技巧、进行风险评估、进行案例计划、进行案例管理以及案例工作技巧。 上课时间是每星期三(10 am–12pm)和星期六(2-4pm ),学费是RM680。 此课程将由林孝琦博士指导,林博士是砂拉越大学社工系的退休副教授,她拥有37年的社工服务经验(包括在砂拉越福利部担任了13年的资深福利官),直今仍然在妇女、儿童和特殊以及乐龄领域中有极大的热忱且持续服务这些群体。

《社会工作的组织脉络》课程是学习社工在人类服务组织中的作用以及社会服务人员如何发挥作用。 学员将学习管理多元化员工团队,促进有效工作环境和专业成长,管理员工问题以及团队合作的知识。 上课时间是每星期二和星期四(1.30pm-3.00pm) ,学费是RM510。 由Gill Raja女士指导,她也是砂拉越大学社工系的退休讲师,拥有36年的服务经验。 她曾经受雇于砂拉越社会福利委员会,直今仍然活跃于非政府组织部门,她的服务领域包括跟健康相关的事务、人权、如何应对虐待、社会政策和服务发展。

《社会工作实践中的人际关系和辅导技巧》课程向学生介绍人际交往技巧和咨询的理论和实践,作为援助与客户合作的策略。 上课时间是星期六(9 am-12pm),学费是RM510。 由温玉萍女士指导,她是社会学硕士,曾经担任4年的特殊需求的人、儿童、妇女、老人和原住民社区研究助理。 目前在毕理学院担任社工学的主任。

特别欢迎UEC,STPM,SPM中学毕业生报读。 有关更多信息,请发送询问或通过HP:01155568806或电话:084322268与我们联系。

▲ 林孝琦博士, Gill Raja, 温玉萍